Viral Video: “Give Us Those Two Marks Too” – What Does It Tell About Our Exam Oriented Education System

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Viral Video: “Give Us Those Two Marks Too” – What Does It Tell About Our Exam Oriented Education System

Viral Video: “Give Us Those Two Marks Too” – What Does It Tell About Our Exam Oriented Education System

A video is going viral where little girls from a Kerala school is arguing for two marks of an examination, where each of them are awarded 23 out of 25 marks for a particular paper. The girl group is almost at the verge of a revolt demanding the two more marks. The 36-seconds video has drama, emotions and above all, it showcases how the marks-based education system is compelling the young minds to concentrate more on the grades rather than the learning process.

The confidence with which they argue for marks with the rationale of why they deserve marks is worth appreciation. The girls points out that, different marks have been awarded for two students who answered the question in similar manner. On one hand it questions the reliability of the existing systems of school assessment whereas on the other hand the video also could be considered as an eye opener, towards the need to rethink the approach, purpose and need of assessment in school education.

Our school system and thereby its learners been driven by the ultimate goal of just performing in examination and scoring marks. The anxiety, fear, lots of comparison and loads of reference standards, being the by and end products of the whole process. This starts with the small internal tests that is carried out in class, which gets further taken forward by the board exams and multiple competitive exams thereafter.

The purpose of assessment in any context is much beyond just measurement of learning of the learner. It also aims at meaningful and constructive feedback for the teachers and learners which is meant as a reflection or feedback on the existing teaching learning process. The objective of these reflections being addressing gaps and thereby enhance the effect of teaching learning process.

The holistic development of a learner is nowhere addressed as almost the entire assessment process is limited to paper pencil test, instead rote memorization with reproduction during exam becomes the major focus.  It is sad that, even kids at their preschool years have to undergo paper – pencil test in many schools across the country. Constructive learning is not happening when the entire system is exam driven and student diversity in terms of creativity, skills, expression, aptitude and knowledge gets accommodated nowhere.

This is one of the key factors that makes our country fertile ground for many coaching institutes, majority of them providing training for exams and meaningful learning is completely neglected.

A shift from this approach is necessary as the system is adding more on to highly qualified candidates who end up in coaching institutes to train themselves for exams to get into a permanent state or central job position irrespective of their area of specialisation. Its high time to relook at methods and tools of assessment at different stages of schooling , so as to capture and promote diverse skills and abilities of a learner, that enables them to reflect on and capacitate themselves for being a better individual, citizen and social being.