Actor Allu Arjun, who was recently released on an interim bail in the Hyderabad theatre stampede case, broke his silence over social media’s never-ending question of him not visiting the victim and his family. The child remains in hospital. The actor faced criticisms and backlash in this regard and has finally revealed the reason behind his decision.
Since the release of Allu Arjun, the internet has been constantly buzzing about the actor’s interactions with various stars of the industry. The actor and his family also visited megastar Chiranjeevi on Sunday, and several stars, including Vijay Devarakonda, Naga Chaitanya, and Akhil Akkineni, and the Pushpa 2 director, Sukumar, were also spotted at the actor’s residence, extending their support.
This sparked controversies on the internet. Netizens were questioning the actor about his celebration, which appeared quite insensitive to some. The Pushpa 2 star issued a statement on his social media handle, explaining why he has not visited the hospital to meet the 8-year-old child who remains on ventilator.
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He wrote, “I remain deeply concerned about young Sri Tej, who is under constant medical care after the unfortunate incident.” In the statement, the actor mentioned that his legal team has advised him against visiting him or meeting his family at this time.
It read, “Due to the ongoing legal proceedings, I have been advised not to visit him and his family at this time. My prayers remain with them, and I remain committed to taking responsibility for addressing the medical and family needs.”
Allu continued, “I wish him a speedy recovery, and I look forward to meeting him and his family at the earliest.”
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The actor was sent to 14 days of judicial custody but later granted interim bail for four weeks by the Telangana High Court. After his release from jail, the actor spoke to reporters and said, “I am a law-abiding citizen and will cooperate with the authorities.” He also expressed his condolences to the deceased woman’s family, calling it an “unfortunate incident.”
Prior to this, Allu Arjun expressed his heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased and announced that he would provide Rs. 25 lakhs to Revathi’s family as support.