Bollywood star and mental health advocate Deepika Padukone has criticised Larsen & Toubro Chairman and Managing Director SN Subrahmanyan over controversial comments about working on Sundays. Subrahmanyan, in an undated video circulating on Reddit, expressed regret for being unable to make employees work on Sundays, adding, “I regret I am not able to make you work on Sundays… because I work on Sundays.”
The remark drew further ire when he rhetorically asked, “What do you do sitting at home? How long can you stare at your wife? How long the wife can stare at the husband? Come on, get to the office and start working.”
Deepika responded on social media, writing, “Shocking to see people in such senior positions make such statements. #mentalhealthmatters.” Her remarks underline her commitment to work-life balance and mental well-being, a cause she has championed for years.
Subrahmanyan’s comments have sparked widespread backlash online, with many criticising the dismissal of personal time and family life.
Deepika Padukone is one of Bollywood’s most successful actors and a vocal advocate for mental health awareness. After battling depression herself, she founded The Live Love Laugh Foundation in 2015 to destigmatise mental health discussions in India. Her initiatives include campaigns to spread awareness, helpline services, and partnerships with schools and organisations to prioritise mental well-being.
In her illustrious career, Deepika has delivered several critically acclaimed performances in films like Padmaavat, Piku, and Chhapaak. She has also made a global impact, starring in Hollywood’s xXx: Return of Xander Cage and serving as a jury member at the Cannes Film Festival.