Indian Doctors And Nurses A Leading Force In US Healthcare Sector

Indian Doctors And Nurses A Leading Force In US Healthcare Sector

Indian Health Care proffessionals Edited by Updated: Jun 15, 2024, 6:58 pm
Indian Doctors And Nurses A Leading Force In US Healthcare Sector

Indian Doctors And Nurses A Leading Force In US Healthcare Sector

As India marks itself as a country that produces a significant number of healthcare professionals in the world, the services of Indian nurses have been noticed internationally. Reflecting India’s increasing contribution to healthcare sector, a report by Visa Verge recently revealed that India has emerged as a significant source of doctors for the US.

India ranks third after the Philippines and Mexico, to be the biggest source of healthcare professionals including surgeons, doctors, physicians, home health aides and nursing assistants in the US.

Filipinos leads the number with 1.41 lakh registered nurses, representing 26% of the immigrant nurse population in the US, Visa Verge cited a US-based company Remilty’s Immigrant Healthcare Index.

According to the report, the top states with the most immigrant nurses are California, Nevada, and New Jersey. About 2.6 lakh of the total 9.9 lakh doctors in the United States are immigrants, constituting a total of 26  per cent of the doctors in the country

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As a leading source of health care professionals, Indians alone constitute around 59,000 doctors in the US, making them one in every five immigrant doctors are Indians. Around 16,000 doctors who are currently practising are from China and Hong Kong while approximately 13,000 are Pakistani nationals.

However, the data showed a rising demand for healthcare professionals in the US. It is not only in the US that Indian healthcare professionals are contributing but has a wide presence across the world, including the Middle East and Europe. The demand has reportedly further increased after the Covid outbreak.

India’s contribution also shows the country’s investment in healthcare education, fulfilling the global demand for healthcare professionals.