PV Abdul Wahab MP Demands Action To Address India's Suicide Crisis

Health Edited by Updated: Dec 13, 2023, 4:07 pm
PV Abdul Wahab MP Demands Action To Address India's Suicide Crisis

PV Abdul Wahab MP Demands Action To Address India's Suicide Crisis

New Delhi, December 13, 2023: Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) MP PV Abdul Wahab today raised serious concerns about the alarming rate of suicide in India, particularly among young women. He highlighted the need for improved data collection, awareness campaigns, and better access to mental health resources.

“With our Sustainable Development Goal, India has committed to achieving a significant reduction in suicide mortality by 2030,” stated Wahab. “However, this goal requires not only a strong commitment but also accurate data to track progress and design effective interventions.”

He pointed to the disproportionately high suicide rates in southern and central India, despite under-reporting in resource-poor states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. This under-reporting, he noted, is often fueled by societal stigma and fear of legal repercussions, particularly for families of deceased women.

The fact that more young women die by suicide in India than anywhere else in the world is deeply concerning, Wahab said. This is a crisis that demands immediate attention and action.

In light of this crisis, Wahab urged the government to take the following steps:

• Launch a nationwide campaign: This campaign should focus on raising awareness about suicide prevention, reducing stigma, and encouraging people to seek help.

• Improve data collection: The government needs to invest in better data collection systems to provide a clearer picture of the true extent of the suicide crisis in India.

• Enhance access to mental health services: This includes expanding access to counseling, therapy, and other mental health resources, particularly in rural areas.

• Strengthen reporting mechanisms: The government should ensure that all suicide deaths are accurately reported and investigated.

• Address social factors: The government should work to address the social factors that contribute to suicide, such as poverty, inequality, and discrimination.

He urged that “the government should take these proactive steps immediately, so as to tackle the menace of suicide crisis in India and create a society where everyone feels supported and valued”.