IAS Jitin Yadav's Motivational Post For Civil Services Aspirants Goes Viral

Jobs Edited by Updated: Apr 17, 2024, 4:45 pm
IAS Jitin Yadav's Motivational Post For Civil Services Aspirants Goes Viral

IAS Jitin Yadav's Motivational Post For Civil Services Aspirants Goes Viral (Image: X/Jitin_IAS)

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) released the Civil Service Examination 2023 result on April 17, 2024. The result halted the journey for many while 1,016 made it into the UPSC CSE list this time from those who appeared for their last attempt at the coveted exam. Few must be gearing up to appear for the exam again in their next attempt.

Several stories are pouring in on the social media platforms by the aspirants who shared their journey and by those who are already selected to motivate others and remain unabated towards their dreams. One such motivational post is also shared by Jitin Yadav on ‘X’, who is a 2016 batch IAS officer in the West Bengal cadre.

Sharing his own UPSC ordeal Jitin Yadav writes how he faced failure during his UPSC attempts and chose to remain positive despite the setback in the exam. He shared the motivational talks that inspired him to move ahead and to give 100 percent. While sharing his conversation with one of his friends he mentioned the words of his friend saying, “Whatever happens, happens for good only. We can only give our 100%. There are two ways ahead – one to be depressed and do nothing, the other to immediately bounce back after a couple of days and do what all past selected candidates have done who faced rejections too. I chose the latter and immediately started working on my weak links. And also, had a good party that night :)”.

The 2016 batch IAS officer asserted to reinvigorate the preparation strategy and find the gaps in the preparation. He added, “When I connect the dots, it all makes sense now. I believed in myself, and my process and pushed myself further that I crossed the cut-off by a decent margin.”

Emphasizing the role of support of family and friends to motivate during the downfall, he talked about the positive hand provided by them in the tough times. “We all need that friend/family in such moments of life. If you have such a friend, do support him/her in whatever way possible. Fortunately, we both got selected and supported each other whenever it was needed”, wrote the IAS officer in his post.

Motivating those whose dreams could not be fulfilled he said, “Do not give up. Never. Be proud that you have come this far. If you want to write an exam again then focus on overcoming your weakness, and if you are not writing then take a short break, plan out things, and then take a call. Better things are waiting for you.”