Death Of Newborn Baby And Mother Following Delivery At Home: Police Book Husband

Offbeat Edited by Updated: Feb 21, 2024, 8:19 pm
Death Of Newborn Baby And Mother Following Delivery At Home: Police Book Husband

Death Of Newborn Baby And Mother Following Delivery At Home: Police Book Husband

A 36-year-old woman, Shameera Beevi and her newborn child died following the delivery attempt at home in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, police said today. The police while registering a case of unnatural death took the diseased woman’s husband, Nayas into custody. Nayas is a sound system technician from Poonthura in Thiruvananthapuram. Shameera Beevi is a Palakkad native.

The attempt to undergo delivery was made at a rented house through acupuncture treatment, according to the police. Reports say that the man along with his daughter and another woman were trying to perform the delivery at home. The locals however hold the husband responsible for the tragic death of the duo. After Shameera bleed excessively, she was rushed to the hospital, but was declared dead upon arrival.

The couple had two children. According to the ward councillor Deepika, Shameera was always ready for hospital consultation. During the earlier two deliveries, the authorities could take the woman to the hospital despite the husband’s stubbornness against it. This time too, Shameera was directed to consult a doctor for proper treatment, but it was her husband who did not allow her to take her to the hospital. When the Asha workers visited the couple’s house asking them to take Shameera to the hospital, her husband allegedly misbehaved with them, saying he knew how to take care of his wife, local media house Mathrubhumi reported.

A neighbour also made a similar allegation against Nayas. The neighbour said when they asked Nayas to provide treatment for his wife, he told them that they should not worry about his wife.

Nayas is also rumoured to be a follower of a fake acupuncture doctor in the Tirur, Malappuram. However, the incident is not rare in the state as there were such incidents in the past too. Such home deliveries are mostly attributed to the presence of fake practitioners.