“Do You Ever Get Confused With ...": Bill Gates To Sal Khan

Offbeat Edited by Updated: Aug 16, 2023, 8:56 pm
“Do You Ever Get Confused With ...

“Do You Ever Get Confused With Salman Khan?”: Bill Gates To Sal Khan (Image: youtube.com/@billgates)

Replying to Bill Gates during Microsoft Co-founder’s recently launched podcast “Unconfuse Me with Bill Gates”, Sal Khan admitted to being confused with the Bollywood superstar Salman Khan sometimes with the similarities in their names. He said he has received emails with endearments from Salman Khan’s fans in this regard.

Bill Gates launched his own podcast in July this year. The second episode of the podcast had Sal Khan of Khan Academy as his guest. One of the light-hearted moments shared was when Gates held a picture of the film star and jested “If you do a web search on Sal Khan, you might get some of this guy. So, do you ever get confused with Salman Khan?”, with Sal Khan’s affirmative “I do” both set out into good-hearted laughter.

Sal Khan talked more on this saying that during the initial years of starting the academy, he would receive letters from fans writing that “‘I’ve always been in love with you and I didn’t know you could do math and all that”, Khan also shared an incident relating to this with Salman Khan, “So when I went to India in 2015, we had a live interview on national television between the two of us. Just by virtue of having the same name.” In between, he also said that he liked to watch Bollywood movies.

The podcast held conversation on topics of thoughtful concerns yet had a lucid flow about it. The duo got talkative about artificial interface, its applications, especially in education, the essentiality of having a teacher in the AI age and many more, lighter moments of their high school. During the engaging conversation, Khan also played his high school time song, Bob Marleys ‘redemption song’ while Gates said that apart from English which was the only language he knew, he would like to learn Chinese, as he thought he could help US-China relations with the skill.

The first episode of the podcast had Seth Rogen and his wife Lauren Miller, where they talked about awareness of Alzheimer”s. Khan Academy is an online non-profit educational platform which basically focuses on science and mathematics. Sal Khan has also talked about how AI could save and not destroy education on TEDx platform. The Podcast was uploaded on You tube on 11 August 2023 and is still garnering likes and views.