Israel Hospital Bombing

Israel-Palestine War: No Hostage Release Before Friday, Ceasefire Delayed

West Asia | Nov 23, 2023

Wednesday gave a hope to the escalating torments of Palestinian civilians, as Israel approved a four-day ceasefire agreement with the..

Dima Alhaj, Another WHO Worker Dies In Israeli Bombing; UN Lost 108 Employees So Far

West Asia | Nov 22, 2023

Another World Health Organisation (WHO) worker was killed in Israeli bombing, marking the number of workers of UN Agency 108. Dima Al..

Israeli Cabinet Approves Ceasefire, Hamas To Release 50 Hostages

West Asia | Nov 22, 2023

The Israeli cabinet reportedly approved four-day ceasefire agreement with the Hamas militant group and is expected to bring a tempora..

Israel Reaches Next Target - Indonesian Hospital; "The Situation Is Catastrophic"

West Asia | Nov 21, 2023

After invading Al Shifa hospital, the Israeli occupation force has reached their next target, the Indonesian..

31 Babies And 6 Health Workers Evacuated From Al Shifa Hospital

West Asia | Nov 19, 2023

Director-General of World Health Organisation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, informed about attempt made by Un..

"The Next Biggest Threat For Gaza - Starvation And Deadly Diseases”: Absolute Catastrophe As Hospitals Are Raided

West Asia | Nov 17, 2023

As the Israeli force continue the callous barbarity on Palestinians by cutting off water, food, fuel and electricity apart from indis..

OIC Strongly Condemns "Butchering" Of Palestinians By Israel

West Asia | Oct 30, 2023

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, OIC, pronounced their condemnation on the “Israeli aggression against G..

Israel To Divide War Torn Gaza Strip Into Two: Report

West Asia | Oct 30, 2023

A latest report says that Israel is trying to divide Gaza Strip in to two by using their tanks after their i..

Israel Bombs Areas Near Al Shifa Hospital, Claims The Hospital Is Hamas "HQ"

West Asia | Oct 29, 2023

Israel Defence Forces have entered to “next level” of their war which is mainly on the civilians of Gaza. In..

Hamas Declines Israel Claim Over Using Al-Shifa Hospital For Military Purposes

West Asia | Oct 28, 2023

Israel occupation force continue to coruscate the sky above Gaza Strip with “white phosphorous” and deadly a..

"Heaviest Bombardment": Israel Has Killed 400 Palestinians Within 24 Hours

West Asia | Oct 23, 2023

Israel attacks on the Palestinians have reached yet another vicious dimension. Israel continues to bomb the civilians of Gaza and the..

Israel's Hospital Bombing In Gaza: Problem With X's "Readers Added Context" Feature

West Asia | Oct 18, 2023

According to Elon Musk owned X (formerly Twitter), its Community Notes feature (what you normally see as ‘Re..