OIC Strongly Condemns "Butchering" Of Palestinians By Israel

West Asia Edited by Updated: Oct 30, 2023, 6:25 pm
OIC Strongly Condemns

OIC Strongly Condemns The "Butchering" Of The Palestinians By Israel (image @motaz azaiza)

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, OIC, pronounced their condemnation on the “Israeli aggression against Gaza”. In a statement released the Secretary-General of the OIC, Hissein Brahim Taha said the Muslim world “strongly condemn” the Israeli military aggression in Gaza Strip that has resulted in “butchering thousands of martyrs and wounding innocent civilians”.

The statement called out against the Israeli military’s “flagrant violation of international law and international humanitarian law” by deciding to cut off food, water, and electricity. the statement also put forward the case of “organized terrorism committed extremist settler groups and Israeli occupation force” unleashing hatred and attack against Palestinians in West Bank. It said that such “criminal acts” has lead to the death of more than 115 Palestinians since the beginning of this month. The statement told the Secretary-General holds the Israeli occupying power full responsible for the criminal acts.

Mr. Thaha also called the international community to “ensure the opening of permanent humanitarian corridors” to Gaza Strip and ensure the supply of basic needs to the enclave.



The situation in Gaza strip is getting worse as moments pass, says report. Israel has been bombing from sky and the limited ground attack was also started. With the alleged “safe corridor” being bombed to ashes, Palestinians do not know what to do or where to go. Report says 93 civilians were killed in the bombing on Khan Younis, which is south of Gaza Strip, where Israeli occupation force boasted about “providing safe corridor” for the civilians.

From a report by Al Jazeera, since October 7th, 8,306 Palestinians were killed with 21,048 wounded. The figure is of Gaza Strip. In West Bank 119 Palestinians were killed by the occupation force and 1,960 were wounded. 1,400 were killed in Israel on October 7 during a surprise attack by Hamas.

Israel has even demanded to “evacuate” hospitals claiming it to be safe haven of Hamas resistance group.  Al Quds hospital continue to get “warning” calls to evacuate the hospital.