Israel Reaches Next Target - Indonesian Hospital; "The Situation Is Catastrophic"

West Asia Edited by Updated: Nov 21, 2023, 12:42 am
Israel Reaches Next Target - Indonesian Hospital;

Israel Reaches Next Target - Indonesian Hospital; "The Situation Is Catastrophic"

After invading Al Shifa hospital, the Israeli occupation force has reached their next target, the Indonesian hospital in north Gaza. Intense fighting and presence of Israeli tanks around the hospital were reported. At least 12 people were killed in the occupation force’s shelling on the second floor of the hospital, as per the medical worker inside the hospital.

Ashraf al-Qudra, spokesperson of Gaza’s Health Ministry said, “the Indonesian Hospital staff are insisting they will stay to treat the wounded. There are about 700 people, including medical staff and injured people, inside the hospital”, as quoted by Al Jazeera. He said the “situation is catastrophic”.

A medical worker at the hospital, Marwan Abdallah said that Israeli snipers could be seen on the roofs of nearby buildings and their tanks were operating at a distance of less than two meters from the hospital.

Another medical work told Al Jazeera that everyone trapped inside the hospital is gathered at the centre of the main building and the shelling on the hospital in instance and is indiscriminate at the windows and entrance of the hospital building.

The Indonesian hospital is close to Jabalia refugee camp, which has been bombed and powdered to ashes several times since the war began. The occupation force has bombed the premises of the hospital several times before. There are hundreds of displaced people who sought shelter inside the hospital considering it to be safe.

Israel’s explanation for their blatant violation of all the international law by targeting the hospitals were, Hamas tunnels and headquarters under working under hospitals and schools of Gaza.

Earlier, Netanyahu’s force has claimed Al Shifa hospital being the headquarters of the Hamas, though no solid proof was brought out about the claim.

The reason for targeting Indonesian hospital was given as Hamas tunnel system under the hospital. 21 out of 35 hospitals in the besieged Gaza Strip are completely out of service. Other hospitals, which are on its knees working to treat the wounded and dismembered victims of the war, will go out of service soon. The hospitals are running short of medical and other essential supplies.