AI Will Expand Jobs Than It Cuts, Youth Should Invest More In Independently Learning New Skills: Tech Mahindra's CEO

Technology Edited by Updated: Dec 18, 2023, 11:32 pm
AI Will Expand Jobs Than It Cuts, Youth Should Invest More In Independently Learning New Skills: Tech Mahindra's CEO

AI Will Expand Jobs Than It Cuts, Youth Should Invest More In Independently Learning New Skills: Tech Mahindra's CEO

CP Gurnani, Tech Mahindra”s outgoing CEO in an interview with Routers on Monday said that the generative AI can produce more jobs than it reduces. While the discussion on social media has been going on about the threat of AI to the job market and potential replacement, Gurnani’s comment is keenly analysed.

“The use cases of Generative AI are still being defined, which means that it has the potential to create more job opportunities in the future. Undoubtedly, the possibilities are just opening, and there is more to come,” Gurnani told

At a time when many industry experts are warning that AI will kill off the workforce as the information explosion that the Open AI’s ChatGPT and other emerging AI models are taking the people by surprise, Gurnani, who is set to retire on December 19 as one of the longest-serving CEOs in the $245-billion Indian information technology sector, asserted that capable workers will not be replaced.

By saying this, Gurnani urges young minds to be more adept in their respective field to compete with the challenges and secure a space. The AI in his opinion will create more jobs and expand the existing “job market”

Gurnani also advised young engineers to invest more time in skill development independently learning new things, and embracing changes by adapting to new circumstances

Many argue that AI might widen inequality by creating new billionaires in technology industries and maintaining skilled workers with better salaries. However, many also believe that AI has the potential to play down or cut some other jobs, creating more wealth inequality.

However, recent research from the European Central Bank and the International Labour Organization said there haven”t been noteworthy AI-induced job losses so far. By making a positive comment on AI, Gurnani is joining Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy who had claimed that coders will “never” lose their jobs to generative AI.