What Happened To The Appin Story We Carried On November 17, 2023: Timeline Communication

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What Happened To The Appin Story We Carried On November 17, 2023: Timeline Communication

What Happened To The Appin Story We Carried On November 17: Timeline Communication

On November 17, 2023, Timeline. had published a story on Appin based on an investigation done by Reuters news agency. The same story was posted by other sites as well and according to a communication from Association of Appin Training Centers, various reputed media platforms have already deleted this story as the matter is subjudice in India.

The communication from Association of Appin Training Centers made these points to Timeline.:

“In the year 2022, the president of the association initiated a legal suit against the author for restrain of any defamatory article. The restrain was granted to the association on 1.12.2022 by the Hon”ble court. However, the authors of the story released it in direct violation of an Indian court order, which, in 2022, restrained The Thomson Reuters and its co-authors Mr. Raphael Satter, Ms. Zeba Siddiqui and Mr. Christopher Bing from publishing any defamatory article/ material, write-ups, visual news terming Appin community consisting of erstwhile directors of Appin, its students, employees etc. in India.

“A strict legal action for contempt of court is initiated against them. We request you to take down the article to adhere to the Indian court order. It is sub-judice as the defendant no. 1 (author of the article) have been asked by the court to present himself on 30.11.2023.

“We request you to kindly withdraw the story until the matter is legally resolved.”

Association of Appin Training Centers, in a mail communication has also attached a copy of show cause notice served to the news agency and also the copy of order along with memo of parties.

Keeping in view of the request of Association of Appin Training Centers and respecting Indian legal system, Timeline. has decided to withdraw the story until further developments in the legal process.

— This communication has been published on November 24, 2023

(Disclaimer: Timeline. is a public news platform and the Appin story that was written based on a Reuters investigation was available for almost four days on our platform. Timeline. or its editor or the writer is not responsible for the reproduced versions available on internet or other platforms of the same story we had carried.)