Actor and director Kangana Ranaut has strongly criticised the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee’s (SGPC) demand to ban her recently released film Emergency. Referring to the move as “complete harassment,” Ranaut dismissed the claims made against her film as “propaganda.”
“This is complete harassment of art and the artist,” said Ranaut. “From Punjab, many cities are reporting that these people are not allowing Emergency to be screened. I have the utmost respect for all religions, and after studying and growing up in Chandigarh, I have closely observed and followed the Sikh religion. This is a complete lie and propaganda to tarnish my image and harm my film Emergency.”
SGPC’s Opposition and Letter to Punjab CM
The SGPC, the apex religious body managing Sikh Gurdwaras, expressed strong objections to the film, alleging it tarnishes the image of Sikhs and misrepresents historical facts.
In a statement, SGPC said:
“The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee has expressed strong objection to Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency, which tarnishes the image of Sikhs and misrepresents history, and has demanded a ban on its release in Punjab on January 17, 2025. Regarding this, the President of the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, Advocate Harjinder Singh Dhami, has written a letter to Chief Minister Mr. Bhagwant Mann. The letter says that if this film is released, there will be outrage and anger in the Sikh world, therefore it is the responsibility of the government to ban it in the state. If this film is released, the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee will strongly oppose it. In this regard, demand letters have also been sent to all the Deputy Commissioners of Punjab.”
Support from Sukhpal Singh Khaira
Adding his voice to the SGPC’s demand, Punjab Congress MLA and Chairman of All India Kissan Congress, Sukhpal Singh Khaira, called for immediate action against the film. In a tweet, Khaira stated:
“I support the demand of SGPC to ban the film *Emergency* directed by Kangana Ranaut, a known critic of farmers and Sikhs without knowing their contribution towards our country. SGPC is our elected representative body, and Bhagwant Mann should take immediate steps to ban the film that depicts Sikhs in a bad light and brings defamation to our state of Punjab and its people.”
The SGPC, headquartered in Amritsar, oversees the administration of Sikh Gurdwaras across Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and Chandigarh. Known as the “Parliament of the Sikhs,” it holds significant influence in addressing issues concerning the Sikh community.
Emergency, directed by and starring Kangana Ranaut, portrays the political and historical events during the 1975 Emergency in India. The film has already sparked debates and controversies over its depiction of historical figures and events.