In an exciting update, Mohanlal has confirmed his collaboration with the talented director Jithu Madhavan, who is best known for his films Romancham and Aavesham. This exciting confirmation came from the actor himself during his interaction with Baradwaj Rangan.
Responding to whether the Barroz actor heard the stories of newbie directors, Mohanlal revealed that he has heard the stories of several new directors and that he was currently working on Thudarum, directed by Tharun Moorthy, best known for his films like Saudi Vellakka and Operation Java.
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He also confirmed his upcoming film with Madhavan and said, “I am going to do a film with the Aavesham director.”
As the actor is collaborating with a new director, he also pointed out the issue, which he often faced with the newbies. Pointing it out, he said that the majority of the stories have a Mohanlal element to them, which doesn’t excite him. He also said that these directors have to wipe that element out of their stories.
Moreover, he also expressed the responsibility that he carried in working with new directors, and how he often considers it a challenge. He said that if the output turns out bad, it will impact the audience, friends, and fans. So it’s his responsibility to be careful in choosing a film.
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On the work front, actor Mohanlal is looking forward to his directorial debut, Barroz: Guardian of Treasure, which is scheduled for this Christmas, 2024. It is based on the novel by Jijo Punnoose and is being produced by Antony Perumbavoor under Ashirvad Movies.
The fantasy thriller will feature an ensemble cast including Maya, Cesar Lorente Raton, Kallirroi Tziafeta, Tuhin Menon, and Guru Somasundaram.