Sunil Pal Recalls How Shah Rukh Khan Would Silently Visit His Staff's House

Shah Rukh Khan is the most humble actors of Bollywood. Khan always tried to keep his workers happy, and respected them.

shah rukh khan Edited by Updated: Jun 07, 2024, 5:24 pm
Sunil Pal Recalls How Shah Rukh Khan Would Silently Visit His Staff's House

Sunil Pal Recalls How Shah Rukh Khan Would Silently Visit His Staff's House (image@iamsrk)

Shah Rukh Khan is well known for his sweet and humble gestures to almost everyone he come across. As much as the star possess quick wittedness and razor sharp comebacks, he exudes love and respect to his colleagues, workers, and fans like none other.

Almost every actors who worked with Khan shared that he is called ‘King Khan’, because he will make them feel like king and queen. From crew members and junior artists to lead star, Bollywood Baadshah treated everyone with love and care.

Read also: Shah Rukh Khan To Invest 200 Crore On ‘King’, The Film With Suhana Khan?

Recently, in an interview, Sunil Pal recalled how Khan would visit one of his staff member’s house at night. He said that the star would come to his staff’s house late at night and would stay for 10-15 minutes.

Speaking to Bollywood Bubble, Sunil Pal, who is also a comedian, said that Khan used to visit his staff Subhash’s house. Subhash used to live in a slum where Pal used to live on rent. The Jawan actor would visit his house once in every 4-6 months. He used to visit if it was Subhash’s kid’s birthday or some other occasion. “He would come after 12 or 1 in the night, when it was dark. He would come silently, stay for 10-15 minutes and leave”, he said during the interview.

Read also: Shah Rukh Khan And Suhana Khan To Start ‘King’ From May: Report

Pal also recalled meeting Shah Rukh Khan during a tour to Singapore. He said during a show, Khan introduced every artist, including Pal to the audience.

After having astounding victory in 2023, fans are on toes waiting for the favourite star’s next work. Reportedly, Khan will next appear in Sujoy Ghosh’s next film, King. The film will also feature the star’s daughter Suhana Khan. Reportedly, Shah Rukh Khan is to play a notorious underworld figure, and Suhana plays the role of his disciple.