Director Shankar’s Telugu directorial debut, Game Changer, starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, will release in theatres tomorrow. The Telangana government, which took a stricter stance after the Pushpa 2 Sandhya Theatre stampede death, has denied permission for the 1 am show.
As per the maker’s request, the Telangana government has permitted hosting an extra show on the day of the release. The FDFS of the film will start at 4 am on January 10, Friday.
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Additionally, the Telangana government has also granted permission to the Game Changer team to impose a hike on ticket prices. As per the order, ticket prices were increased by Rs 150, including GST, in multiplexes and Rs 100 in single screens. The next nine days will see a hike of Rs 100 and Rs 50 in multiplexes and single screens. Bookings opened in the state after the GO was passed.
Even though the state government has relaxed some of the strict rules in return for screening advertisements raising awareness on cybercrime, narcotics, and drugs, the permission for the 1 am shows was denied.
The G.O. passed by the government was shared on social media by one of the team members of the film.
#GameChanger Telangana G.O ✅
Shows to start from 4 AM !#GameChangerBookings— SivaCherry (@sivacherry9) January 8, 2025
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Produced on a high budget of Rs 400 crore, Game Changer marks the Indian 2 director’s first Telugu film. Notably, the makers spent Rs 75 crore filming the songs Thaman S composed. In addition to Ram and Kiara, the political thriller also stars Anjali, Samuthirakani, SJ Suryah, and Srikanth in key roles.