New Delhi: A new footage has emerged online showing a conversation between Delhi cafe owner Puneet Khurana, who died by suicide, and his estranged wife Manika Pahwa’s father. The husband died by suicide at his home in the Kalyan Vihar area in Delhi on Tuesday, allegedly distressed by the agony inflicted by his wife and her relatives. In the latest video, Khurana has held his wife and in-laws responsible for his death. The footage shows Khurana speaking to his father-in-law regarding the transfer of Rs 2 crore for a house.
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The couple’s house was registered under the wife’s name, and the video showed Khurana’s father-in-law, Jagdish Pahwa, discussing the transfer of Rs 2 crore for the house. However, the family alleged that Pahwa later reneged on his promise, denying his earlier statement regarding the money transfer. Khurana mentions that despite the terms and conditions of the divorce being mutually agreed upon, his in-laws were placing new demands, including an additional Rs 10 lakh. Puneet expresses his inability to fulfill this demand, stating that he could not ask his parents for more money as they had already sacrificed a lot for him.
The video was dated October 12, 2023. Khurana’s family alleged that he was under immense pressure due to the recurrent demands for money. They further claimed that Jagdish Pahwa often resorted to threats after going back on his promises. The businessman’s family said they were providing multiple such videos and other evidence to the police to support their claims.
This is a 1-minute-51-second excerpt from a 54-minute-long video recorded by #PuneetKhurana.
In the video, Puneet holds his wife and in-laws responsible for his decision to end his life.
He mentions that despite the terms and conditions of the divorce being mutually agreed…
— Hate Detector 🔍 (@HateDetectors) January 2, 2025
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Puneet’s family has alleged that Manika and her family subjected the victim to consistent mental torture, leading to unbearable emotional stress. According to statements from family members, the couple had entered a dispute regarding their joint bakery business, For God’s Cake.’.
The video clip recovered by the police from where Puneet Khurana ended his life cited the reasons that forced him to take the extreme step.