Indian cricketer Rinku Singh has reportedly gotten engaged to Priya Saroj, a Member of Parliament (MP) from the Samajwadi Party representing Machhlishahr, Uttar Pradesh. The couple is expected to tie the knot soon, though the wedding date has not yet been announced, according to reports.
Rinku Singh, known for his impressive performances in the Indian Premier League (IPL) with Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR), has recently been selected for India’s T20I series against England, which begins on January 22 in Kolkata. Rinku is anticipated to play a crucial role in India’s middle order during the series.
Rinku shares a close bond with KKR owner Shah Rukh Khan, who once jokingly asked him when he would get married, promising to attend and dance at the wedding.
Priya Saroj, a young and dynamic leader, is the daughter of three-time MP and current MLA Tufani Saroj. A lawyer by profession before entering politics, Priya holds a BA from the University of Delhi and an LLB from Amity University, Noida. In 2024, she became the second-youngest MP in the Lok Sabha, defeating her BJP rival with a margin of 35,850 votes.