
Ghaziabad: Mother Tortures Daughter To Hide Sexual Assault By Her Male Friend

India | Apr 12, 2024

In a shocking incident reported from Uttar Pradesh"s Ghaziabad, a mother would torture her 10-year-old daughter to keep quiet about r..

Man Beheads Wife For Delay In Morning Tea

India | Dec 20, 2023

A 52-year-old man allegedly beheaded his wife over a squabble began over a cup of tea. The incident took place in Bhojpur village in..

3 Teachers Over 2 Incidents Suspended In Uttar Pradesh After Hindutva Uproar

India | Oct 22, 2023

Two teachers were reportedly suspended from a Ghaziabad college of engineering in Uttar Pradesh after object..

Ghaziabad Police Helpless As Yati Narasinghanand Accuses Them Of “Receiving Money And Alcohol From Muslims”

India | Sep 30, 2023

In a recent viral video shared on X (formerly Twitter) by the the Alt News co-founder and journalist Muhammed Zubair, the Ghaziabad p..