Saturday, May 4

State Authorities Direct Schools To Reschedule Timings Amid The Heat Waves

Edited by Uzma Parveen

While the temperature surges beyond human toleration limits and amid the scorching heat, the schools in different states are accommodating their schedules to ease the negative impact on children. Some schools have shifted the school timings and others are rescheduling the summer breaks.

Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecasted heat waves and temperature rises beyond 40-45 degrees Celsius in more than five states including Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Bihar and Jharkhan in India.  Governments in these states have ordered school authorities to comply with the changed timetables to protect children from the heat wave impacts.

How school authorities are responding to the heat waves?

In Jharkhand, where the temperature is soaring above 40 degrees Celsius with heat waves condition, the state authorities have directed schools to remain open from 7 am to 11:30 am for kindergartens to class 8th, and from classes 9th to 12th the schools will remain open until noon.

Whereas in Odisha, the government has announced an early summer break and the schedule from April 22 to 24th as 6:30 am to 10:30 am. In Baripada, the highest temperature recorded was 45.2 degrees Celsius.

In Patna, Bihar where the temperature is exceeding 42 degrees Celsius, the school authorities have revised school timings from 6:30 am till 11:30 am for up to class 10th. For higher secondary schools the timing will remain the same.

The West Bengal government has also announced an early summer vacation for state-run and aided schools at an earlier than usual period. In the state, the summer vacations for primary and secondary boards will start from April 22nd except for schools in hill areas of Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts wherein the existing academic schedule may continue as usual.

In Maharashtra, to escape the heatwave, the Maharashtra government has announced an early summer holiday for primary, middle, and higher secondary schools affiliated with the state board. Now the schools will be reopened on June 15th apart from schools in Vidarbha region where schools will resume classes on June 30th.

Impact of heat waves on school children

Excess heat can cause heat stress among children which is caused by high temperatures and humidity intensified by physical exertion. Children’s bodies can not cool themselves under the heat stress which can lead to heat rashes and other conditions like heatstroke and a high risk of organ failure.

How to avoid heat stress among children

As per the Unicef, here are some ways to keep children safe and comfortable during a heat wave:

  • Keep a close eye on children’s activities even if they are playing indoors.
  • Monitor for early signs and symptoms of heat illness.
  • Do not let children play outdoors during the hot midday and afternoon hours.
  • Help them to indulge in exercise or any physical activity.
  • Ask them to rest and cool off in the shade while they feel hot.
  • Remind children to drink water frequently to maintain hydration