"Ask Bus Drivers, Truck Drivers...To Write Essays Too": Rahul Gandhi On Bail Conditions In Pune Porsche Accident

India Edited by Updated: May 22, 2024, 8:18 pm

Ask Bus Drivers, Truck Drivers...To Write Essays Too: Rahul Gandhi On Bail Conditions In Pune Porch Accident

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi today expressed his outrage over a Court ruling that granted bail to the accused driver in the Pune Porche accident that happened on Sunday. Criticising the bail with strong words, the Congress MP said that if the 17-year-old accused driver has to write an essay for bail, then “ask bus drivers, truck drivers, tempo drivers to write essays too”

Rahul Gandhi was speaking at a public event in Panchkula. “A 17-year-old boy in Pune drives a Porsche after drinking alcohol, kills 2 people and is asked to write an essay. If he writes an essay, then ask bus drivers, truck drivers, tempo drivers to write essays too…” the Congress leader was heard saying in a video shared by the news agency ANI.

On Sunday, two young engineers died when the speeding luxury car hit the bike they were travelling. Though the police immediately arrested the minor who was driving the Porche, the Court, within hours, granted bail on trivial conditions. 

The Congress Wayanad MP was referring to the conditions the Court ordered in the case. The Court asked the accused to write a 300-word essay on road accidents, work with traffic police for 15 days, attend counselling etc. 

Notably, the accused driver Vedant Agarwal is the son of the business tycoon Vishal Agarwal. Noting the bail, locals have alleged that the influence of the father saved his son. They have also urged to take action against the parents for providing the car to the minor who does not possess a license. Vedant had also consumed alcohol before taking the ride in the Porch. 

Yesterday, Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Sanjay Raut had alleged that the police tried to protect the accused and demanded the suspension of the police Commissioner. “A young couple was killed, and the accused was granted bail within 2 hours. In the video, it can be seen that he was drunk, but his medical report was negative. Who is helping the accused? Who is this police commissioner,” the Shiv Sena (UBT) leader told news agency ANI.

Aneesh Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta, both 24-year-old engineers from Madhya Pradesh lost their lives in the tragic collision. The police had invoked Section 304A, causing death by negligence or a rash act in the incident.