Rajasthan: IIT-JEE Aspirant Found Dead In Kota Hostel; Fourth Case This Year (image: Pixabay)
A fourth case of student suicide was reported from Rajasthan”s Kota on Tuesday. A 16-year-old student who was preparing for Indian Institute of Technology – Joint Entrance Exam (IIT-JEE) found dead in his hostel room. Despite joint efforts to check such incidents, the alarming incidents are still on the rise in the country”s largest entrance coaching hub.
The deceased student, a resident of Jharkhand, was studying in Kota for the past two years. He was preparing for JEE along with the 12th grade. As per the reports, when the JEE Mains results declared yesterday, the student found his score was lower than he had expected. He returned to his hostel room and today morning his body was found hanging from the ceiling.
Police searched the room but no suicide note was recovered from the spot. His parents were informed about his death and autopsy will be conducted when they reach Kota, Police added.
In the previous year, 26 students committed suicide in the education hub, NDTV reports.
In light of the rise in suicide cases, the Union Education Ministry issued new guidelines for regulating coaching institutes in January. Central government”s new guideline gave stress on the mental well-being of the students. As per the new regulations, coaching centers cannot enroll students below 16 years, and cannot make misleading promises or good marks.
(With inputs from NDTV)
(This news story may contain content to suicide and suicidal behaviour. Such topics can be sensitive and may trigger emotional responses. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts or behaviours, we urge you to seek help immediately. Contact your local mental health crisis hotline, a mental health professional, or a trusted person in your life.
You may call 14416 or 1-8008914416 Tele MANAS service, a comprehensive mental health care service by Government of India.)