New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Monday released a second list of 20 candidates for the forthcoming assembly election in Delhi. In a surprising move, the party has fielded its two sitting MLAs, Manish Sisodia and Rakhi Bidlan, from new constituencies. Sisodia, currently representing the Patparganj constituency, has been moved to the Jangpura seat, and Deputy Speaker Bidlan, a three-term MLA from the Mangolpuri seat, will contest from North West Delhi.
Educator Avadh Ojha, who recently joined the party, replaced Sisodia in the Patparganj constituency. Meanwhile, Bidlan’s Mangolpuri seat has gone to Rakesh Jatav Dharamrakshak.
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Phir Layenge Kejriwal🔥
Second List of candidates for Delhi Assembly Elections 2025 is here!
All the best to all the candidates ✌️🏻
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) December 9, 2024
There are massive changes in the AAP candidate list, as it has changed candidates in 20 of the 70 constituencies in the national capital. The party has dropped 13 of its sitting MLAs in the second list.
The other candidates in the list are Dinesh Bhardwaj (Narela), Surender Pal Singh Bittu (Timarpur), Mukesh Goel (Adarsh Nagar), Jasbir Karala (Mundka), Pradeep Mittal (Rohini), Purandeep Singh Sawhney (Chandni Chowk), Parvesh Ratan (Patel Nagar), Pravin Kumar (Janakpuri), Surender Bharadwaj (Bijaswan), Joginder Solanki (Palam), Prem Kumar Chauhan (Deoli), Anjana Parcha (Trilokpuri), Vikas Bagga (Krishna Nagar), Naveen Choudhary (Gandhi Nagar), Jitender Singh Shunty (Shahdara), and Adil Ahmad Khan (Mustafabad).
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The ruling party released the first list of 11 candidates on November 21. Dropping three sitting MLAs, the party named six candidates who had recently defected from the BJP and Congress.
The Delhi Assembly elections for the 70 constituencies are expected to be held in February next year. The current term of the Assembly ends on February 23, 2025. In the 2020 Assembly polls, AAP secured a massive victory, winning 62 out of 70 seats, while BJP won 8 seats. However, the Congress failed to secure any seats in the election.