‘Pushpa 2: The Rule‘ actor Allu Arjun has been arrested in the Sandhya theatre stampede case. As per reports, Allu Arjun has been taken into custody from his house in Hyderabad’s Jubilee Hills and shifted to Hyderabad’s Chikkadpally police station.
The case is in connection with the Sandhya Theater incident that occurred on account of the release of the movie Pushpa 2 which led to the tragic death of a woman named Revathi on December 4th, 2024.
Today, Chikkadpalli police filed the case regarding the incident and have named Allu Arjun as an accused. However, Allu Arjun has swiftly responded by filing a petition to quash the case against him.
It was on 4th December, actor Allu Arjun made a surprise entry at the Sathya Theatre, Hyderabad at night during the premiere of Pushpa 2.
Also, read| Mysterious Spray Halts Pushpa 2 Screening In A Mumbai Theatre; Police Launch Probe
Due to the stampede caused in the theatre, a 32-year-old woman named Revathy lost her life due to asphyxiation as the crowd jostled at the theatre to get a glimpse of the actor. His nine-year-old son is battling for life in hospital.
Following the incident befell at the Sandhya theatre, Allu Arjun expressed his heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased.
Also, read| “Deeply Heartbroken”: Allu Arjun Responds To ‘Pushpa 2’ Stampede Tragedy
He assured them of his support and promised to assist in every possible way. In a video message released on Twitter, Allu Arjun stated that he was deeply shocked by the incident and announced that he would provide Rs. 25 lakhs to Revathi’s family as support.
Deeply heartbroken by the tragic incident at Sandhya Theatre. My heartfelt condolences go out to the grieving family during this unimaginably difficult time. I want to assure them they are not alone in this pain and will meet the family personally. While respecting their need for… pic.twitter.com/g3CSQftucz
— Allu Arjun (@alluarjun) December 6, 2024
Allu Arjun’s team also announced that they are also ready to offer any other assistance required by the family. He assured that he would personally meet Revathi’s family soon to offer his condolences and support.