One of India’ most eligible bachelors and two-time Olympic medallist (a gold and a silver) Neeraj Chopra is now married. On a post shared on Instagram on Sunday, javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra shared pics with his newly wedded wife Himani, a student in United States. Neeraj Chopra wrote on Instagram in Hindi on his wedding with Himani: “Starting new chapter of life with my family. Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after.” Reports said Himani is a student in US these days, quoting the athlete’s uncle.
Reports have also said the wedding ceremony was a private function held only for close friends and family members, and according to one of his family members, a reception for the wedding is expected to be held in May this year as Neeraj has professional commitments before that.
Neeraj Chopra, an Indian track and field athlete specializing in javelin throw, had won gold at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, becoming the first Indian to win an Olympic gold in athletics. His latest major performance is the silver medal in the Paris Olympics. His historic feat at Tokyo had earned him the prestigious Khel Ratna award, India’s highest sporting honor.
Read also | What Neeraj Chopra’s Mother Said After Arshad Nadeem’s Olympic Gold
Chopra’s rise to prominence began in 2016 when he won the gold medal at the IAAF World U20 Championships in Bydgoszcz, Poland, setting a new junior world record. He continued his impressive trajectory, winning gold at the 2017 Asian Athletics Championships and the 2018 Asian Games.
His consistent performances and dedication to his craft have made him a national icon. Chopra’s powerful throws, combined with his athleticism and mental fortitude, have established him as one of the best javelin throwers in the world. He is a role model for aspiring athletes in India, inspiring a new generation to pursue their dreams in sports.
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In last August, the Double Olympic medallist Neeraj Chopra surpassed Team India all-rounder Hardik Pandya’s endorsement fee to INR. 330 crore, becoming the most valuable non-cricketing figure in the country.