Saudi Arabia: The Land Of Perfumes

Explore the scent of Saudi Arabia, the land of perfumes, with a deep history that defines the Arab identity.

Saudi Arabia Tourism Edited by Updated: Sep 11, 2024, 6:23 pm
Saudi Arabia: The Land Of Perfumes

Saudi Arabia: The Land Of Perfumes (image

The word “perfume” is derived from the Latin per (“through”) and fumare (“to smoke”), which relates to the fumes released when burning incense. For people in Saudi Arabia, fragrances have always held a crucial part in their cultural history.

Around the 10th century, a renowned Arab philosopher and doctor by the name of Avicenna introduced rose water to the Muslim world. A key element for making aromas, it was used to perfume the rooms within a household. Through the technique of distillation, the Arabs applied alchemy to the perfume industry, extracting essential oils.

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The Crusades played a key role in introducing perfumes to the Western world. When the Arabs arrived in Spain, new trade routes were unlocked, and the fragrant scents wafted across different parts of the world.

The Arabs were experts in the combination of aromatic oils and floral, woody, and spice essences. Oud, for instance, is produced from the wood of the agar tree and is known for its earthy scent, indicating sophistication and luxury. The Musk Makkah, which comes from the gland of musk deer, is warm and comforting and is known for its longevity. Then comes attar, or concentrated perfume oils, made through a process of distillation; it signifies tradition and elegance.

In the olden times, Arabs used scented oils and ointments for their bodies. They were also prescribed for medicinal purposes. The fragrance is also used in religious rituals and as a way to welcome guests.

While perfumes have been used as a status symbol for centuries, they are markers of spirituality and hospitality.

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With a thriving perfume sector, the Kingdom has attar shops sprinkled all over it with a variety of fragrances available at each shop. From locally-made blends to international brands, every attar shop has it all.

Increased tourism has boosted the perfume industry. The market is currently valued at $1.8 billion in 2023, with an anticipated growth of $2.6 billion by 2032. Exports amount to $110.9 million for 10 months of 2023, according to data from the Ministry of Commerce.

A celebration of the Arab identity, perfumes represent a deep history in Saudi Arabia. So the next time, you visit the Kingdom, make sure to explore the scent of the land.