Joe Biden: Israel Is "Losing That Support" And Netanyahu Is "Making It Very Difficult"
American President Joe Biden warns his closest ally in West Asia, Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel is losing the international support by citing the “indiscriminate bombing” of the civilians of Palestine. He said, “Israel’s security can rest on the United States, but right now it has more than the United States. It has the European Union, it has Europe, it has most of the world supporting them”.
The sharp comments from Biden came while he was talking during a political fundraising programme, the US President remarked that, “they’re losing that support by indiscriminate bombing that takes place”. he called Netanyahu government, “the most conservative government in the history of Israel. He (Netanyahu) has to change this government.”
Biden said Netanyahu is “Making it very difficult” for Israel. He also added that Israel “can’t say no” to the idea of a Palestinian state, which most of the Israeli hardliners including the current government blatantly oppose.
The comments came while the White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan is preparing to leave for Israel to meet with the Israeli war cabinet. Earlier on Tuesday, in a statement, Netanyahu said Israel has received “full backing” from US and the country has blocked “all the international pressure to stop the war” for Israel.
Netanyahu also added that there is a “disagreement about ‘the day after Hamas’, and I hope that we will reach agreement here as well. Netanyahu made it clear that Israel will rule Gaza Strip after the end of the war, America said they hope Palestinian Authority will return to power in Gaza, like before the 2007, when Hamas seized power from them.
Joe Biden’s comment came before the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) was expected to vote on the immediate humanitarian ceasefire resolution that has been taken to table once again after US vetoed a draft resolution in the Security Council last week.
This time, the ceasefire resolution has garnered greater votes. From the total of 193 members of UNGA, 153 countries voted in favour of the resolution, 10 voted against the resolution, and 23 abstained from voting. The latest voting trend also shed some light to what the American President was talking about Israel losing support. However, US voted against the resolution once again.