Key Israel War Leader Accuses Netanyahu Of Lying Of Military Goals In Gaza

West Asia Edited by Updated: Jan 20, 2024, 11:47 am
Key Israel War Leader Accuses Netanyahu Of Lying Of Military Goals In Gaza

Key Israel War Leader Accuses Netanyahu Of Lying Of Military Goals In Gaza

Gad Eisenkot, one of the key members of Israel’s war cabinet accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of not telling truth about the military goals in Gaza. Eisenkot contradicted Netanyahu’s claim about continuing the bombing in Gaza “until complete victory”, and said that those advocating for “absolute defeat” of Hamas were not “speaking the truth”.

The retired Israeli general, whose 25-year-old son was killed during the fighting in Gaza, said that Netanyahu shared “sharp and clear responsibility” for failing to protect Israel on October 7th, and urged fresh elections claiming “no trust” in Israel’s current leadership.

While Joe Biden vouches for a two-state solution, Benjamin Netanyahu blatantly refused the idea. After the Israeli Prime Minister’s stance on an Independent Palestine after the war, the White House national security adviser John Kirby said that the United States and Israel “clearly see things differently”.

Washington has been trying to influence Israel’s military strategy in the Gaza by urging more precision-guided attacks rather than blanket bombing, delayed or abandoning of ground invasion, and engaging in meaningful talks with the opposing power on two-state solution in which Israel would neighbour a Palestinian state with a role for the Palestinian authority. But every time two-state solution was discussed, Netanyahu rejected the idea, leading to the deepened frustration in American circles over Biden’s unconditional support for Israel.

Benjamin Netanyahu is becoming increasingly “unpopular” to his on people. While most of the Israeli support the war against Hamas, over 64 percentage voted against Netanyahu continuing to rule. Majority of the Israelis just want the remaining 130 or some Israeli captives to bring back home, over the potentially impossible goal of defeating Hamas.

The fact that Israeli occupation force, armed with heavy weaponries and tanks, could not defeat Gaza’s resistance group, Hamas even after the indiscriminate bombing on the besieged enclave that surpassed 100 days, acts as a blaring alarm for Netanyahu who came back to power by vowing cent percent security for the Israelis.