Report: UAE’s Diplomatic Ties With Israel To Continue Despite The Catastrophic Situation In Gaza

West Asia Edited by Updated: Nov 12, 2023, 12:33 pm
Report: UAE’s Diplomatic Ties With Israel To Continue Despite The Catastrophic Situation In Gaza

Report: UAE To Hold Diplomatic Ties With Israel Despite The Catastrophic Situation In Gaza

Amid the humanitarian catastrophe that the Israel occupation force has been forcing down on the besieged Gaza Strip, the United Arab Emirates is said to have plans to maintain diplomatic ties with Israel, says report. Despite the international outcry has started erupting over the brutal genocide of the innocent civilians of Gaza, UAE plans to hold diplomatic ties with Israel hoping to have moderating influence over the Israeli campaign while safeguarding its own interest, as said by four sources familiar with UAE government policy, said Reuters.

UAE has become one of the prominent Arab nation to establish diplomatic ties under the Abraham Accord of 2020, which was brokered by Unites States. This has paved way for other Arab nations to draw out their own ties with the occupied state of Israel by breaking the taboo of normalising relationship with Israel without the formation of a state of Palestine.

UAE officials had publicly condemned the Israel’s action of the relentless bombing campaign and repeatedly called for a cessation of the bloody war. The country’s President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

UAE is considered to have significant influence in regional affairs and they also serves as the a security partner to the United States. The four sources, who refused to reveal their identity considering the sensitivity of the issue, told Reuters that, apart from speaking to Israel, UAE tries to moderate public positions taken by the Arab states so that there would be a return to a broad dialogue, once the war ends.

Despite holding diplomatic ties with the occupied state of Israel for three years, the UAE failed to have a talk in the genocide on Gaza that has killed more than 11,000 Palestinians. The sources said UAE is increasingly frustrated with their security partner US, as they US to be not exerting enough pressure to end the war.

UAE has publicly condemned the bombing on Gaza and has raised concern over the risks of conflagration of the war and a new form of extremism is the Middle East. While speaking at United Nations Security Council on October 18th, Lana Nusseibeh, UAE’s ambassador said that UAE sought to deliver prosperity and security in the new Middle East through cooperation and peaceful co-exitance via the Abraham Accord with Israel and US, but the “indiscriminate damage visited upon the people of Gaza in pursuit of Israel’s security risks extinguishing that hope”.

A senior European official has told Reuters that the Arab states has learned that building ties with Israel without recognising the Palestinian issue is impossible.