West Bank Violence: Biden Administration Imposes Sanctions On Israeli Settlers

West Asia Edited by Updated: Feb 02, 2024, 12:00 pm
West Bank Violence: Biden Administration Imposes Sanctions On Israeli Settlers

West Bank Violence: Biden Administration Imposes Sanctions On Israeli Settlers

As Gaza is being bombed into destruction, Palestinian in the occupied West Bank was also being targeted greatly by the Israeli settlers. Since October 7th, the settler attacks and raids in the occupied West bank has increased greatly, killing hundreds of Palestinians, including women and children. According to United Nations, from October 7th to January 28, over 464 attacks on Palestinians on the settlers, ranging from bodily harm to death, theft, destruction of properties.

As the attacks increase, the United States has imposed sanctions on several Israeli settlers accusing them of undermining stability and security in Israel and Palestinian territories. The announcement came amidst the increasing pressure on Biden over his relentless support for Israel’s war on Gaza, as he was gearing up for re-election in November.

The US sanction target David Chai Chasdai, Einan Tanjil and Yinon Levi, who are accused of intimidating the Palestinians. The sanction also targets Shalom Zickerman, who is accused of assaulting Israeli activists. The sanction will freeze the Israelis’ assets in US and restrict financial dealings with them.

The Axion earlier reported that Biden administration considered sanctioning ultranationalist Israeli government ministers Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, then decided against it. White House national security spokesperson Joh Kirby told reporters that Washington has informed the Israeli government before announcing the sanctions. He also added that, “there are no plans to target with sanctions Israeli government officials at this time”.

The White House also pronounced a new degree about penalising the perpetrators of extreme settler violence”. The executive order came after Biden’s visit to Michigen, which is a Midwestern swing state with large Arab American Community.

However, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister reject the move from Israel’s close ally and said that a large majority of West Bank settlers are “law-abiding citizens”. A statement from Netanyahu’s office read, “Israel acts against all Israelis who break the law, everywhere; therefore, exceptional measures are unnecessary,”.

Al Jazeera correspondent reporting from Ramallah of West Bank said that the Israeli authorities do not hold the settlers responsible for the atrocities against Palestinians. “In many, many incidents, we see settlers acting with either the tacit support or the actual physical support of the Israeli military in these attacks”, said Al Jazeera.

Human rights advocate, Kenneth Roth said that, “good that Biden will impose targeted sanctions on Israeli settlers who attack Palestinian”. He further asked, “Now how about conditioning [or stopping] military aid and arms sales to Israel until it stops bombing and besieging Palestinian civilians in Gaza.”


US senator Elizabth Warren called the move by Biden administration as “important”. She said that the Netanyahu government must stop the extremist settlers in the West Bank who have been attacking and killing Palestinians. She also added that those who facilitate the settler violence must be held accountable.